312 ~ Please Check your Clothing at the Door

It’s easy to take off your clothes
To give in to animal instinct
Some people are able to do it
With not so much as a wink

Sex comes easy
So try love instead
For this test resides in your heart
Not between the sheets in bed

To open ones soul
And let somebody in
Discovering all your hopes and dreams
To allow them underneath your skin

See the deepest, darkest parts of you
The divisions you hold sacred
Will one know what it is like
To truly feel naked

You grip
Your hands around my throat
And you strip
The buttons off my coat

frameAnd I choose
The methods I do best
The thump thump
The thumping in your chest

50 thoughts on “312 ~ Please Check your Clothing at the Door

  1. I love the last verse in the poem, about showing someone your inner darkness and divisions. You are an Aphrodite I believe. And I like the part at the bottom about him putting his hands around your throat…and being stripped…that could be a turn on in someone did that to me 🙂

  2. That comment by shatteredandshining is so sweet and so true. I love the post not so much for the lyric line but for the truth of its heart and sentiment. You are an Aphrodite, I also believe, and a muse, Britt. A real muse…..and if I could add to what Rahburt said, it seems to me that where once love was the easier part, with sex being locked up in all kinds of dangers and prohibitions, now that is reversed – sex is just a bit more than having a coffee, a kind of transaction, whereas love is elusive, receding just when you think you have it, and then suddenly there where you are not looking….

    • You and Shining have graced me with so much warmth and understanding. I feel smitten >_< And not in the bad sense, the good meaning one.

      Yes, the roles have reversed. I have nothing against sex, as rare as I get it, lol, but it does have to mean something. Which is probably why I had abstained for as long as I did. Sex and intimacy is a wonderful thing, but love magnifies it by giving it a deeper definition. And the worse part – you can't make people love you or open up to you as easy as the other act.

      This song is actually why I made this post. I heard it on Friday walking by the same store at the mall that had played it once before, and I was enamored. I kept telling Jp that I had to find out what it was because it was so darn catchy, so we stood outside the store while I googled the lyrics on my phone, LOL. And then I kind of just built a post around it when I got home ^_^

  3. The true kind of nakedness! 🙂 This is really good, and yes sex can appear to be an expression of love, only to find it isn’t. Mm… yes, I know that feeling, truly painful! So much better to be naked in the mind! I have friends and some relatives past and present that I could say that of, in terms of being able to share most of my thoughts and they share theirs, but I’ve never been attracted to a man I could find this place with, sad but true. 😦 But maybe he’s just round the corner! I won’t be straining my eyes to look for him though, I’ll let him find me, bump into me, then it’ll be a nice surprise! 🙂

    I know you are going to think this is utterly crazy, but I have to tell you that I wrote a poem two days ago called ‘Naked’ yeah, it’s happened again!! 🙂 It has a different message to yours, but Naked it is! This is getting silly isn’t it!? When I put up that rose poem the other day with my photo, a woman I follow who mainly writes articles, put up a lovely poem the night before with a picture of a pink rose!
    I thought I’d stretch myself with the naked poem, and write something a little different! I was inspired by a lovely painting of a woman, naked with a white sheet draped over all the rude bits! 🙂

    I got my first crazy person leave me a message tonight, saying she would prefer I didn’t visit her page, because she had seen places that I frequented and I wasn’t her type of person! I nearly fell off my chair! 😯 I didn’t know I was capable of offending someone with my Gravatar! If you want to see the message it’s on the Late For Your Life post. I think blogging might not be for her, and I hope she hasn’t got a Facebook page – how would she cope with all those strange friends! 😆

    • I can only think of three people that I open up to like that, and that open up to me. But none that I am in a relationship with. It is quite elusive… hmm. LOL, well I wish you the best on this accidental bump of fate 😛

      Of course you would! We’re mind twinsies remember? haha. I thought I’d write something a little different as well but there you go stealing the thunder. I just discovered this song playing here recently and then I started thinking of sex, so voila – sexy naked time post.

      Hahahaha I read it, and I could not stop laughing. How does she even know what places you frequent? Hypocrite much. If she’s seen you there, obviously she was there too. Rude people these days. I have yet to get my first crazy comment so – congratulations!

      • Mind twinsies – I like that!! 😀

        Just listening to that song again, it is very catchy, makes me want to dance!! Meant to say something last night, but I was so tired when I wrote the comment, (had a busy day, and too many people to reply back to!) don’t think my brain was really taking it in properly! They remind me a little bit of the Scissor Sisters, I like them!
        And I love your picture, especially the frame effect round the edge! 🙂

        Congratulations – yes!! My first loony – I’m so excited, at least people notice me! 😆

        • I was dancing to it at work with my headphones on. I’m sure my co-workers think I’m crazy, but that’s fine by me ^_^

          Yes, once the haters start, you know you’re making an impression 😉

  4. Normally your post remind me of a Three Days Grace feel. but this one instantly reminded me or Panic! at the disco- There’s a Good Reason. very arousing. the only other Panic! song that makes me think of you is Camisado…..but only because thats my song.

    • J! I just remembered I hadn’t responded to your story of Janet and Isaac. I loved it. This is what I get for reading when I should be getting ready for work >_< and then rushing.

      Uuu, I love Camisado as well as, Lying is the most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking her Clothes Off (well that is a long song name). Hmm… perhaps I shall weasel those songs into a post someday. Thanks for the reminder 😉

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